Master Programme in URP

The Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) Study Program as an actualization of the responsibilities of the PWK Department will support the achievement of national education goals in accordance with Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning Higher Education, Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards and Permendikbud No. 49 of 2014 concerning National Higher Education Standards. Therefore, Study Program MURP is expected to be able to produce master level graduates who are competent in the field of planning. in addition, each graduate is expected to play an active role in national development activities.

Study Program MURP is a form of actualization of the responsibility of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya in further developing the knowledge and expertise in the field of urban and regional planning in Indonesia and the world. In particular, Study Program MURP was built to provide a space for deepening interest and expertise in the field of planning for the entire academic community, especially for all PWK undergraduate graduates or related. This responsibility is carried out by Study Program MURP as an active role of the UB PWK Department to build solutions to regional and urban development problems in Indonesia with the development of regional autonomy, global economic development, population growth and the demands of fulfilling the concept of sustainable development.

To support the development of Study Program MURP, the PWK Department as the parent institution has provided very supportive situations and conditions. Several domestic and foreign collaborations have been built by the PWK Department, especially in the fields of education and research. The number of guest lectures, visiting professors who attended, as well as several lecturers' research in collaboration with lecturers from foreign universities is one indicator of the success of the collaboration initiated by the Department of PWK. The department has joined ASPI (Association of Indonesian Schools of Planners) which means that curriculum development as well as educational, research and service activities refer to the standards that apply to high schools of planners in Indonesia. At the international level, the PWK Department will join the APSA (Asian Planning School Association) with the hope of being able to adjust the ability / expertise in the field of planning to international standards (Asian level).

MURP Study Program is currently under the Department of Urban and Regional Planning PWK), Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FT-UB) so that Head Study Program MURP is responsible to the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering through coordination with the Head of the PWK Department. The organization of Study Program MURP consists of the Head of Study Program, Laboratory/Studio, Administrative Implementation Unit, and other units deemed necessary. Operational activities at Study Program MURP have also been carried out transparently, which can be proven through the disclosure of information regarding academic, operational, and staffing activities through open communication channels, namely through the Faculty of Engineering website ( and Study Program MURP website (

The management of Study Program MURP has been carried out responsibly by all academic personnel through the application of the lecturer performance load (BKD) which explains the academic, research, community service, and student affairs responsibilities of each personnel, then the assessment of work implementation based on predetermined targets through the List of Job Implementation Assessment (DP3) and Employee Work Performance Assessment (P2KP). The annual assessment shows that the achievement of scores in each document is relatively high. so it can be concluded that overall, each Study Program MURP personnel has a very good responsibility.

The management system of Study Program MURP is carried out effectively based on the Strategic Plan and Standard Operational Procedures (SOP). This is inseparable from coordination with the Study Program MURP management unit (UB and FT-UB) which always supports the functional and operational activities of Study Program MURP, as well as the Quality Assurance Unit (UJM) of the PWK Department which is tasked with monitoring the implementation of the learning process and supervising the quality of operational activities at Study Program MURP. Access to Strategic Plan documents as well as Manual Procedures (MP) and Work Instructions (IK) that form an SOP can be done easily by all Study Program MURP academicians because they are openly published on the Study Program MURP website (

In the implementation of its program, MURP Study Program is assisted by UJM of the Department URP. The quality standard used refers to the Quality Assurance Center (PJM) of Brawijaya Univeristy which is always audited once a year. The quality standards used by PJM are BAN-PT, ISO and excellent service. In addition, to maintain consistency in the implementation and management of PS, a Manual Procedure (MP) has been prepared for all activities related to the teaching and learning process (PBM) and PS management. In order to maintain the quality of service in it, the management of MURP PS implements a feedback collection mechanism, both from lecturers, students, alumni, and graduate users on a regular basis.To understand more about this Study Program, you can read more about Department of Urban and Regional Planning Academic Guideline and curriculum evaluation at the following link:Academic Guidelines Book [INA] [ENG]; Curriculum Evaluation [ENG]

The provisions and requirements for registration of new PWK students follow the provisions and requirements determined by the University. There are 2 entry points for the master study program, namely the regular pathway and the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL). Persons with disabilities can register as PWK students. However, only people with deafness and/or hearing difficulties can register because it involves lecture activities. More information can be read on the following page:

General Requirements for Prospective Students of the URP Undergraduate Study Programme as follow:

  • Indonesian citizen (WNI);
  • Graduates of undergraduate programs related to the field of study of Urban and Regional Planning
  • Selection participants have adequate health so as not to interfere with the smooth learning process in their study program.
  • Completeness of documents that need to be uploaded in online registration:
  • Recent color self-photo
  • Bachelor diploma and transcript
  • Academic Potential Test Certificate
  • TOEFL certificate/Other English proficiency test (see the requirements of each study program for further details) (PDF File)
  • Health and drug-free certificate (PDF File)
  • Identity Card
  • Letter of Permission / Assignment from the agency (for those who are already working, and for those who pay their own expenses, no letter of permission / assignment is required)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research plan synopsis (PDF File)
  • Funding source certificate (PDF File)
  • Student profile on the forlap dikti site (for generations after 2003 do a search on then upload a screenshot of the student data page on UB Admissions)