Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP), Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya
is a major in planning disciplines related to engineering, social sciences,
economy, and environment. URP's broad scientific scope and the condition of the region
and cities in Indonesia are increasingly complex demanding the development of expertise.
The Department of Urban and Regional Planning has a special character that is both a potential and a problem for the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. This special character is both a potential and a problem for the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. As a potential, this character opens the perspective of developing scientific studies and innovations in the field of planning.
regions and cities as well as a challenge. As a challenge (problem),
This characterization demands a variety of areas of expertise specifications that must be possessed by
each lecturer. The many fields of knowledge that must be delivered demand efficiency
lecture material that must be delivered to students.
Basically, higher education institutions are providers of human resources in accordance with the following
dengan permintaan ‘pasar’ dan tujuan pembangunan bangsa. Departemen Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan kota dan wilayah di seluruh Indonesia. Kebutuhan akan tenaga
profesional Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota di sektor publik maupun swasta masih cukup besar, namun demikian
absorption is also highly dependent on external factors, especially the macroeconomic level.
nasional. Trust terhadap peluang profesi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota juga ditandai dari peminat calon mahasiswa tingkat sarjana yang tinggi (tingkat kompetisi 1:15).
The master's market is quite broad, but the demand for UB is still low. Lack of
promotion and utilization of cooperation to relevant stakeholders such as local governments,
Ministries (PUPR, Transportation, DKP), planning consultants, developers to be one of the following
cause interest is still low. Opportunities for doctoral programs are wide open,
but the department's internal human resources have not been able to support the start of learning in the program.
doctorate. Thus, a special strategy is needed to accelerate lecturers with doctoral degrees.
professors in the Department, among others through the accelerated Professor, Head Lecturer Research program,
and Doctor of Service.
The Strategic Plan document of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning is divided into 3.
1. Draft Renstra Departemen PWK FTUB
2. Strategic Plan Bachelor Program Study Departmen Urban and Regional Planning Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya
3. Strategic Plan Master Program Study Departmen Urban and Regional Planning Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya